What do you reach for to create comfort?


I’m still working my way through Louisa Thomsen Brits’ book, still marking passages with pencil, still finding nuggets of truths that make me stop and look at my life from a hygge seeker’s point of view.

I love this quote. I know that lists for hygge that I’ve seen are full of throws and candles, hot glogg and cosy socks. I know that the pictures used to show hygge are all tall, leggy blonde Danes with heads tossed back and laughing away merrily. At 168cm tall, I am never going to be called leggy, and I don’t live in Denmark. I’m not even sure that, failing winning the Visit Denmark competitions I enter hopefully every time, I’ll make it to Denmark sometime soon (like the next 2 years) so hyggering in a completely Danish way is not an option. That’s why I’m trying to Hygge the British Way, to adopt the principles and apply them to an ordinary (and, grief, is my life ordinary!) life in the UK. If I can do it, then anyone can.

Today my job is to do what Louisa says; to identify the people, places and things that make me feel hyggelig. The resources that I will need to have a hyggelig  time from October 4th onwards, and to identify the pieces lacking that I need to collect. I’ll put these on the blog on a separate page marked Resources. There’ll be books, recipe links, lists, lists, lists. I like lists. And if you know of something or somewhere I should visit to  try to add more hygge to life, please leave a comment below or message me on Twitter. Let’s hygge together soon, yes?


  1. Good job on the blog! Hopped over here from Brocante. I have a challenging question for you 🙂 I live in the Southern United States. It is still very hot and humid. Winters in South East Arkansas are wet and dreary, but short. We may have once a year dusting of a snow fall. So how can I translate this concept of coziness, when everyone is dripping with sweat? It seems most of these books are aimed for people who live in colder climates ( which I totally understand), what can I do in a climate were I rarely light a fire, occasionally wear a sweater (shorts are not uncommon to wear during Christmas), and cook soul, satisfying , food when it is not too hot? Any ideas would be helpful!

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    • Hygge is cosiness of the soul. It’s sharing a bottle of chilled water/coke/beer/wine with friends or family, it’s having a family swim or sitting in front of the sunset. It’s finding a cool mall and sitting laughing eating Baskin Robbins. What we do is not as important as how we feel, which should be peaceful, surrounded by those that love us, happy just to be. What’s your favourite thing to do together? Take that, and appreciate it. Cosy doesn’t only mean warm. And thank you for dropping by… please come again!


  2. Jeannette, I can sort of relate. I live in Southwest Missouri. To me, being together with family and friends and talking is at the core of comfort and satisfaction. We play yahtzee after supper, sit on the front porch, talk about our day. I am a big fan of electronic candles, and to keep from missing the cozy smell of a candle, I have a Scentsy warmer with our favorite scents going.

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    • Excellent ideas! It’s not the physical aspects of Hygge that matter; that being together, that talking together, that comfort and satisfaction; that’s hygge in the heat. Thank you x


  3. I loved”hygge seeker”. Now I have a title for my purpose and research! Love lists so next stop is resources! Until tomorrow I can hardly wait to read on!!!

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