The Hygge Manifesto…. and random thoughts.

Meik Wiking’s beautifully illustrated Little Book of Hygge has a double page spread with the Hygge Manifesto on. I love it, so much that I’d gladly pay for a poster to put on the wall, and I tweet him and his publicist regularly to say that. Poor @MeikWiking and @jules_murday. Imagine how terrible it would be if I shared their Twitter handles… say on The Hygge Nook and got a thousand (or thousands; why not aim big) to tweet and ask when the Poster version will be available.


This is the closest I’ve found so far, from The Dallas Morning News, and it’s not good enough to print out large size. I’ve printed it out to A5, and I keep it in my bullet journal to remind me that the things that create hygge are never bought in, they just need to be lived.


I’m preparing a talk on Hygge for my local Women’s Institute and looking forward to delivering that, on 2nd March. The Manifesto features in that as well.

It occurs to me that, despite the title of this blog being “How to Hygge…” I am a remarkably lax teacher, probably because I truly believe that the hygge enjoyed by a twenty-something in London will be different from that of a Mum in her thirties with 3 small children and also a looking-at-freedom parent of teenagers.  I do show you my hygge, and talk about it a lot, but I would be going a step beyond if I ever muttered anything about “this is the Proper Way to Hygge.” In the 6 months this blog has been going, I’ve learned that my style of hygge is not your clean white Scandi style hygge, nor will it ever feature fur throws, but it is a simple, homemade, easy, cosy hygge. Lots of laughter, lots of fun, lots of acceptance and questions… if your lifestyle is different from mine and I’m nosy, watch out. I’ll have every facet out and discussed because I like people and I like knowing what makes them tick. And it will be fun, still, because most people like to talk about themselves.


This is a rambling post, isn’t it? I think my weekend is looking busy… fun, but busy… so that I’m feeling very scatty at the moment. I have lots of little items to sort out, plans to begin, issues that are getting less attention than they ought. I’m feeling, in the words of Bilbo Baggins (and funny how often I come back to Lord of the Rings at times of pressure) stretched. I’m out on Saturday, but my Sunday is free except for a food shop. I think I need to centre myself, to slow down and to sort an order into my life. Looks like my Bullet Journal is going to be in use over the weekend,laying plans and writing lists.

I find Bullet Journalling, as in using a bullet journal to plan with, is such a useful thing for me. I could (and probably should) write a whole post on why it’s the most hyggely planning system I’ve used, since I find the simplicity, adaptability and the need to slow down long enough to write in it all compatible with hygge.

Creating Sanctuary quote 1.jpgAnd I know that To Do lists aren’t totally hygge-full, but getting the worries about what to do and when to do it out of the head does leave the brain free to relax… that’s a proven NLP strategy…. and I need to slow my swirling head down. Tonight I’ll open a bottle of red wine, have a meal with the Handsome Hunk that is my Husband, sleep well and wake (early, because I have an appointment at 7.30 am somewhere secret but VERY EXCITING) to a sunny Saturday full of fun, before whomping on the settee tomorrow night for a sleep and possibly Game of Thrones. I may be online tomorrow, I may not. Depends on my mood.

I hope you all have a good weekend, with just the right mix of busy and stopped. It’s sunny here in Liverpool at the moment, so long may that continue. I think we could all do with some sunshine vitamin!! And if you like the blog, why not come and find me on  Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Or if you’re particularly hygge-minded, go over to Facebook to join The Hygge Nook. My favourite Facebook group.


  1. I couldn’t agree more, getting things out of my head and written into a list is instantly calming.
    I am my own worst enemy sometimes though and I don’t always take the time to do it, I come up with organising ideas and then don’t carry them through and then get annoyed with myself.
    Lisa x

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